Join The Group Of Happy Audio Enthusiasts That Are Now Listening To Their Repaired Or Restored Speakers
Hi Nick. Hope all is well there. The speaker arrived today just fine. Excellent job as usual. Got it all installed after replacing the old wires with new which was easy to accomplish. Sending a few pictures of the radio for you to see how you contributed to my newest Zenith collector piece. The radio sounds absolutely wonderful on local AM and even WWV in Fort Collins Colorado sounds crystal clear on shortwave. Good job and see you again when I have another "diamond in the ruff" for you to fix.
Dean (6 inch Zenith Recone March 2025)
Hi Nick:
I just got them hooked up, they sound awesome! I put on Sade’s Stronger than Pride album and the song Paradise has a great bass line. They sound like new! Better than before the cats got to them. Thanks for a job well done. Have a great rest of your weekend… Cheers! Brian. ( Klipsch KG4 Recone passives February 2025)
Hey Nick, just giving you a 'heads up' that I received the speaker. Sounds awesome!!! Thanks so much! ( Pioneer HPM 100 woofer recone OEM February 2025)
Hi, Nick:
Sorry for the slow response. I forget to check this gmail account. Speaker arrived in good shape, is in the set and sounds great. Really sorry you had to totally re-do it. Thought you might like to see the finished product, so attached are a few photos. It is currently listed on the Attic along with all the other radios that aren't selling. Geez. I sold 21 radios in 2022. 2 so far this year.
Hope you and yours have a great Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous new year.
Best Mike. (6 inch Zenith Recone Dec.2024)
Hi Nick,
drivers arrived yesterday and were re-installed last night. They sound great and look as good as new. Thanks so much for the quality work!
Clarke (2 SEAS 8 inch Rubber resurrounds and Test Nov.2024)
Another great speaker repair Hal. Drivers back into Beethovens. Sound is great. Many thanks, Hal. (4) 8 inch Audio Fidelity midranges, (4) 10 inch Audio Fidelity woofers, recone and test. October 2024)
Hi Nick,
Your speaker arrived yesterday and it is beautiful. That cone is much sturdier then what was left of the original I am sure you would agree. It is installed and working great and I have attached some photos of the finished work.
Thanks again.
--Dave (Collins/Cleveland 5x7 Recone July 2024)
Good afternoon Nick, The speakers have just arrived. I've opened the box and they look like brand new. You really do very good work. I'll install them this evening and use them as surround speakers for the home theater. So, now the 25 y/o set of Infinity Studio Monitors live on. Thank you so much for giving them a second life. I'll always recommend you to anyone that wants speaker repair. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
Tom (Infinity SM85 woofers May 2024)
Nick, I received the speakers back yesterday and I am very impressed! Compared to my Klipsch RP-280Fs with 2x 15 inch woofers, there is little comparison. I didn't realize these would be that much better. I now know what all the hype is about!
I had a few final questions/points:
I ended up using spade plugs I found on Amazon. I hooked up the ground/black/- to the "1" and the positive/red/+ to the "T". It appears to be jumped, so I assume this is okay? the way the spade plugs are positioned, this was slightly easier rather than hooking up red to "2".
Regarding the levels; it was hard to discern what you meant by "9 o'clock" and "12 o'clock" for the mid and high controls on the speakers given the position of the dials in relation to what is "up", but I turned both all the way up and I adjusted the tone controls on the amp slightly (+6db for treble and +8db for bass). It sounds wonderful, but I just want to ensure I am not running them too high in a fashion that might damage them. I can back them off per your recommendation (eighth turn, quarter turn, etc.).
Lastly, would you be able to send me a concise short list of all work performed. This is by no means me contesting anything...decades from now when I go to pass these on, I would like to have some record on what was exactly done and by whom.
Thank you again so much and I will of course give my recommendation to anyone that needs similar services!
Warm Regards,
Aaron ( AR 3a Woofers, controls, Crossovers updated and New Grills March 2024)
Howdy Nick, please forgive the delay in sending these but here are some photos of the two amps of mine that you have helped sound great.
1. The Rickenbacher Electro Type I. Approximately 1933
You cleaned air gap and re-aligned voice coil and later re-coned it. By the way, I expect you will be getting another one of these speakers from my friend Ted H. I can’t wait to see what you do with that one.
2. Ampower Model 80
Approximately 1950
This has the Perm-O-Flux that you recently re-coned.
Both of these amps sound fantastic largely due to your speaker work. Thank you very much. Please feel free to use the photos for your site.
Thanks again,
Bryan J.( Jan. 2024 10 inch Utah, 12 inch Perm-O-Flux)
Once again you have provided a high quality service. Thanks for this one and the Model 20 not shown here, Sam. (Nov.2023 Philco 6 inch and Philco 8 inch)
Hi Nick-
My customer picked up his amp and said it sounded great!! Thanks a lot and I will definitely keep you in mind for future speaker repairs.!!
-Billy (Gibson 5x7 amplifier June 2023)
i received the speaker at the office on Friday, but i wasnt in on Friday (of course) so i took it home last night (monday) and installed it into the Rickenbacher Electro (M4) amp.
i am blown away at how good it sounds! much better than what i expected! its so full, and thick sounding, with so much body. notes jump out of it. very impressed. you did an amazing job. this guitar amp is anywhere from 82 to 86 years old, and ill bet it sounds better than it ever has. truly remarkable. i cant thank you enough.
i "may" have another in the works... depends.
again. fantastic work Nick. thank you so much, Jim.
(10 inch Rickenbacher Electro "Lunchpail" amplifier, Model 4, circa 1937 - 1941) (April 2023)
Hi Nick,
The speaker arrived safely today. It sounds great in my Zenith Walton (picture below)
I wanted to thank you for the fast and expert service. I am President of the Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club in Pennsylvania, and I will be sure to recommend your work to our club members, and others I come in contact with at Kutztown, and through the hobby.
Thanks Again,
Jarret ( 8 inch Zenith Mar. 2023)
Hi Nick,
The speaker arrived safely today. It looks fantastic. Beautiful work.
Thank you so much, after a host of little nuisance problems, the radio is finally together and working as new.
While it's been an enjoyable challenge, I'm happy to be done and onto the next project.
Here are some photos for your web page.
Thanks again for the top notch work.
Best regards,John (Atwater Kent 11 inch Feb. 2023)
Hi, Nick!
I finally got some time to work on the Emerson. Attached are some pictures of the finished product. I’m attaching a video as well. If it comes through, please excuse the cat yowling in the background. God forbid I get 30 seconds of silence in my house 😀.
Anyway, thanks so much for your work on the speaker. It looks and sounds great!! (12 inch Emerson December 2022)
Hi Nick:The field coil and humbucking coil both dropped right into place and testing perfectly. Thought you would enjoy this fashion shot of your fine work. The original leads and connections were easily reconnected w/no issues whatsoever. Many thanks! Best,Larry C. (Sept.2022 Gibson Lap steel Operadio 12 inch field coil)
Hello Nick- My Rola Re Creator arrived this afternoon. At the moment, I’m listening to Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue for a period correct sound test; it sounds spectacular! I truly appreciate the work you put into my speaker going again.
Thanks again, Kevin J (10 inch Rola custom cone and transducer repair August 2022)
Thank you for the beautiful job you did on the speaker for the Pilot Jr - put the set back together yesterday - there are so few of them left in this world...
Have a speaker from a Stromberg Carlson Console that needs some attention - not in as sad shape as the Pilot - assume I can send your way with the required form???
Thanks again - Bill (8 inch Pilot Recone August 2022)
Hello Nick,
Great news. I received my speaker you rebuilt around Oct. of 2021 and now have it in my Wurlitzer 1080 jukebox. Don't want to bother you, but it sounds great. Took me awhile to get the machine going, since it had sat in my store room since 1974. With the rebuilt amp and the speaker you fixed, it is all someone could hope for. Thanks much. Bob (June 2022, Wurlitzer Model 1080 15 inch speaker)
Nick, just thought I’d drop you a line. I received my speaker back Friday and gigged with my 53 Pro last night, which is the first time I gigged with the amp since getting it, as I blew the voice coil right after receiving the amp. Even though the speaker needs to break in, it and the amp sounded incredible…and yes I used some overdrive pedals, as I need to at the volumes I generally gig at…and therefore hope the speaker holds out for a good while…I’ve got other amps I also gig with so it won’t get overwhelming use…so hopefully will last a while.
Thanks so much for your excellent work!
Josh ( Jensen P15N Jan.2022)
Hello Nick:
This is George in Savannah. I hope you and your family had a nice thanksgiving holiday.
Sorry I have not contacted you since I received the speakers. I just now started working on one of the crosleys that the little 5” Utahs went to. I just wanted to let you know that the speaker sounds phenomenal. I installed the one that you completely re-coned into a model 517 mini-tombstone. I attached a picture for you to see. The speaker is very loud and sounds nice and crisp. Once I replaced the output tube, the radio came to life.
I’m sure the other two speakers will sound just as good as first one.
I have not unwrapped the others yet and will leave them in the cardboard to prevent any accidental damage until I start working on the other two radios.
I just wanted to thank you for the excellent work you did and will definitely send you some others for repair. And now I know how to properly wrap them for shipping.
I hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas holiday and a prosperous New Year!!
Take care…
George (5 inch Crosley Dec. 2021)
You got me interested in speaker codes and those speakers are Magnavox and I think made in the 37th week in 1958. I think. Being the 1800 was manufactured in 1955, those are probably not the original speakers, but they are the correct ones for that jukebox. I am 61, so my 1800 is a few years older than me. It is amazing a machine that old is still working. Probably could not say that about the stuff being made these days. Fortunately, I am blessed and do not feel my age. (Dec. 2021 (2) 12 inch Magnavox (1) 4 inch Magnavox Wurlitzer 2800 speakers)
Good Morning Nick, All is well. The woofer looks and sounds fantastic. Your workmanship is excellent and far exceeded my expectations on the restoration of the woofer. Thank you for your service and attention to detail during the entire process, Joe.(KLH Model 23 woofer Oct. 2021)
listening to some contemporary jazz and could not be more pleased!
You’ve worked your magic once again!!
Thanks so much, Nick!
Very very happy! JBL D130A-8 recone Sept.2021)
Hi Nick,
I received the speaker, looks great !! Thanks for the great job, I've wanted it reconed since the early 70's
Have a great weekend, Gene (1936 Hallicraters S-9 Sky Rider SW/Ham 5 inch June 2021)
Dear Nick,
Got my speakers back today! So happy. They sound like new.
Thank you. Let me know where I can give a testimonial.
Very best,
Inge (Paradigm Reference series crossovers and tweeters April 2021)
Hi Nick,
Well, the Super Towers are back in business and sound wonderful. I had forgotten how truly impressive these speakers are. I just want to sit and keep listening. The surrounds on those speakers have been drying up slowly for years, so the gradual loss in sound quality was not noticed so much. You can use the picture on your web site if you like as long as I am not identified.
By the way, you will notice a pair of Bose 901 -V speakers. I bought these in the early 80s. They still sound great and I use them along with the towers in 5.1 when watching movies. Fills the room with great sound imaging. The drapes behind the equipment are wife approved sound management. Ha!
Thanks again for the good work at a reasonable price.
(April 2021 VMPS supper towers)
Hi Nick,
Received, re-installed, tested - works beautifully!! Thanks so much for your prompt and excellent service!
Bruce (KEF 6.5 coaxial April 2021)
Nick, the speaker was received Tuesday. Excellent work! Looks and sounds great! I will send photos this weekend. Thanks for your work!
David (February 2021 8 inch Utah US Radio and Television Gloritone Model 26)
UPS delivered my speaker a little while ago and I couldn't wait to get it installed. I couldn't be any happier. It sounds amazing and looks great. You area wizard at rebuilding speakers. You have all my business from now on and anyone else who asks me about speaker repair.
My you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and may God bless,Johnny. (Philco 4x6 Nov.2020)
1928 Kolster
The speaker arrived today in good shape. No Damage.
Your work was top notch! It looks great. Even at that i will be handling it gentility.It sounds good connected up to the old Kolster class 22000 radio. I have no plans of selling the old radio, it will be past on to our children,Kieth. (1928 Kolster Oct.2020)
Nice work Nick I’m sending the other one out might as well do them both, John (Dalquist DQ 20 woofer Aug. 2020)
Hey Nick, wanted to let you know that the Zenith 9S55 speaker arrived today safe and sound and looks amazing!! Can’t wait to hear how it sounds when I get the chassis done... I will pass on your info to anyone that needs speaker work!, Troy. (12 inch Zenith rewind field coil, recone June 2020)
Good evening, Nick, this is to let you know how very pleased I am with the reconing job you did on my two antique Zenith speakers. I installed them in their respective radios and the sound quality is amazing. I enjoy bringing old radios back to life, and it’s great to have your service to assist in this process. I look forward to using your service again in the future, and will definitely recommend you to anyone I can. Thanks again,Robert. (2 Zenith 8 inch speakers, June 2020)
Nick , got the speaker today , in one piece ... installed it in the jukebox , and the sound is incredible ... i thought i would have to rebuild the amp in the juke , but the sound is so good , i am going to wait a while .Thank you , for your expertise and talent in repairing these old speakers ..
John (2 Seeburg Utah 12 inch speakers, March 2020)
I received the speaker, truly beautiful!
Nice work! Thank you!
Best Regards,
Dave (RCA 8 inch Feb.2020)
Hi Nick
Package arrived in perfect shape. Replace tweeter with original and sounds wonderful, the sound is so sweet makes feel 30 years younger (I wish). I really do thank you so much, was I afraid I would never hear them like they sounded so many years ago. Thank you thank you. Eddie
Snell type A2 owner......(Snell A2 10 inch woofers ,Polydax Tweeter Feb.2020)
UPS delivered the speaker this morning. Already installed and it sounds great!!! Awesome job on the restoration. Thanks Again and have a Merry Christmas.
Lon (GE 14.5 inch PM speaker Dec. 2019)
Nick, you did an excellent job on the speaker! Now this not only looks BUT SOUNDS like new! Thanks.(Mike 6 inch Philco Dec.2019)
Hi Nick. The speaker came today,and it sounded great,and looked great. Thank you very much. Hope to do more business with you. Professional job.
I hope you stay in business for a long time. Hard to find people that do what you do for speakers. It looks good! Richard. (5 inch RCA Dec.2019)
Hi Nick,
I have spent the last six months restoring my radio and this morning I
turned it on for the first time for me. I have been playing music all
day, WOW!! The speaker that you rebuilt for me is amazing. I never knew
that my E.H. Scott Allwave 23 would sound like that. At three quarters
volume it is has full range with no nasty edges, just ear bleeding crisp
clean volume with amazing lows to boot. I know this sounds weird for a
1935 set, but this thing is nuts.....
I will send some photos for your web site.
Thank you very much,
Nicholas (EH Scott Allwave 23 Nov.2019)
Speaker came today. Looks beautiful. Thanks!Speaker sounds fantastic. Beautiful job.
Best regards,Steve. (Westinghouse model H161 ,Nov. 2019)
Hi Nick,
Got the speaker back, have it mounted back in the Philco 70 cabinet. Sings better than any of the original Model 70 radios and speakers I have. Also have a model 90, doesn’t sound as good as your reconed 70.
I’ve had several reconed speakers by other sources, yours is the best.
Thanks a lot! nolan (Philco Model 70 August 2019)
In the 1970's my dad bought, among other high-end stereo equipment for the time, a pair of JBL speakers with gorgeous walnut cases, wood lattice grills and 14" woofers. My dad treated his system with the utmost of care, and I have taken great care of it over the years since he passed away in 1995. They remained with my mom until she passed away in March of 2019, after which I, with great pride, brought them and the Mac 1700 receiver to my home in Vermont.
I was hugely disappointed, upon listening to the speakers for the first time in years, to hear terrible sound reproduction from them. It was only then that I dared try to remove the grills, which I had never done before (only to find it was easy to do) and discovered that the surrounds on each of the massive 14' woofers had completely deteriorated! I searched the Internet and discovered Nick and his "The Speaker Shop". It took a very short amount of conversation with Nick to not only find that we were very much similar in the things we like to do, and the old British sports cars we like to own, restore and drive, and to learn that Nick is HUGELY qualified to be entrusted to work on my dad's JBL's! Nick is FAR too modest with reporting his qualifications! Ask him for details about what speaker companies have certified him to repair their products! I fabricated a custom shipping crate for the extremely heavy speakers, and with trepidation, not for Nick's work, but for the way UPS might handle the 55LB box (most of which was the weight of the two woofers!) during shipping from Vermont to Nick's shop in Georgia, and back, I let the UPS truck take them away....
They arrived at Nick's shop intact and he went to work on them. He sent me photos along the way of the additional damage he discovered beyond the rotten surrounds, and of the process of repairing them. I was excited and happy to see dad's speakers becoming like new again!
Thankfully, the return shipping went smoothly and the speakers arrived intact and undamaged. I excitedly reinstalled the woofers in the cabinets, hooked them up to the powerful Mac 1700, cued up one of my favorite songs, the intro and the first song on "The Blues Brothers" album and ........... WAS BLOWN AWAY! I had forgotten how REAL speakers can completely fill a room with clear, sharp "at the concert" fidelity! WOW!
All I can say is "Thank You, Nick" not only for saving dad's speakers, but for giving me the chance to really hear pre-recorded music again!!!
Your new friend,
Bill G. (JBL Lancer LE14 woofers July 2019)
SEAS 10 inch woofer
I think I replied, but thanks again so much for giving me my speakers back! They sound great again! I'm keeping your card and will recommend your service to anyone who may need it. These are weird rare speakers, and I'm glad I could keep them original. Gary (SEAS 10 inch woofer model P25REX H283 March 2019)
Hi Nick,
Received the speaker yesterday and it looks and sounds great! Very happy with it.
Thank you,Jason ( RCA 12 inch RL-70-3 speaker March 2019)
Sorry it took a minute to get back. Many thank for the excellent job on my speaker. Sounds amazing, have a great day!,Richard. (1946 Gibson BR-4 amplifier Operadio 12 inch March 2019)
I received the speaker today.
Awesome work! It looks and sounds great!
Thank you for your hard work and attention to detail.
Clarence (Hallicraters S108 speaker Feb. 2019)
Hi Nick, I received my speaker and it looks great! Thank you very much! Gayle (Atwater Kent Model 42 speaker Jan.2019)
AMC 4x10
Hi Nick,
I received the speaker today. It looks great! I won't fire it up until the spring. I'm sure its better than new. Thanks for the fast turn around! Bernie (AMC 4x10 Jan.2019)
Nick, thank you for your fine work repairing my JBL speakers.They sound awesome! Patrick (2) JBL LX44 408G woofers complete recone Jan. 2019)
Hello nick,
the speaker arrived perfectly safe today.
i installed it tonight since i had some time. did this speaker have a 3.2 ohm v/c ? just curious, i never measured it.
it sounds soooo much better than the original mess, lol.
i will get the new tubes and components "burned in" by playing it for most of the day for days, align it, and enjoy it.
thanks again.steve (Bendix 4 inch Nov. 2018)
Hey Nick; I received the speaker on Friday. Popped it in, soldered it up & viola! Sounds great - well, as great as a '46 AA5 can sound, that is. It's so good to have this thing playing again. Thanks so much for doing such a nice, thorough job on this thing, I couldn't be happier. Brian (4 inch Crosley Nov.2018)
Hi Nick,
the speaker is installed and all other repairs made.
Looks great and works great!
Dave (8 inch Silvertone September 2018)
Hi Nick, beautiful job! Thank you and I will recommend you to all, Jeff. (Mopar 4x10 August 2018)
Hi Nick, my speaker arrived today, intact and on time. I will install soon and let you know how this project turns out. The speaker looks great. Thanks again for good service,Bobby.
I finished up the work on the amp and cabinet. Reinstalled everything and it works. It sounds great. Very pleased. (This is my first amplifier rebuild) so all is great. Thanks for the speaker. It’s exactly as I think it should be. Sincerely Bobby (1948 Oahu Supreme 10 inch by Valco field coil speaker August 2018)
Hi Nick, just received the speaker and installed it after thorough testing. I would like to thank you and say your work is in a class all by itself. In a word: SUPERB! I can’t tell you of the calamities we have had over the years trying to get speakers re-coned. Anyway, thanks there will be more to come.
Best, Dan (8 inch Philco July 2018)
Classic Car Radio Service®
Philco 8 inch speaker
Allison 8 inch woofers
Received the woofers. They sound and look great. You did a fantastic job reconing them. I will post your contact information to the Allison loudspeaker group on Yahoo.
Jeffrey (2) Roy Allison 8 inch woofers July 2018)
Hello Nick,
I arrived home from a fishing trip and found that the speaker had been delivered.
It really looks beautiful and professionally done. I will continue work on that radio tomorrow morning.
I'll let you know how the project goes.
Thanks again, Terry D (Zenith 8 inch Recone, rewind field coil, matching transformer June 2018)
Zenith field coil speaker
Heathkit SB-600 speaker
Just wanted to let you know that I finally put the speaker back together
and it sounds great. Very good tone on CW.
You'll get a kick out of this, USPS claims that the speaker weighed over
a pound heavier after you completed repairs. I saw no difference as you
used the same box and packing material that I used.
Thanks for an excellent job.
Best regards,
Bob. (Heathkit SB-600 6x9 May 2018)
Hey Nick,
Just a short message to say nice job on the speakers..!! Obviously you
take pride in your work. Have already posted a recommendation on the
Antique Radio Forum and will keep your contact info for future needs.
I finished up the radio restoration project this past weekend. With a
fresh set of NOS tubes everything works fine. I didn't even have to do an
alignment on the receiver front end. Easy peasy..!!
BTW In the past I have used Orange County Speaker to repair musicalinstrument and pro audio speakers. Their focus has shifted and there-coning part of their business was spun off to a couple ex employees
(Speaker Repair Pros). Just wondering.. Do you work on vintage JBL,
Eminence, CTS, Oxford, Jensen, and/or Celestion speakers?
Thanks again,
Stu (2 RCA 5x7 speakers April 2018)
Thanks Nick.
I got the speaker yesterday.
It looks and sounds wonderful.
Great job like always.
You even did a nice job on the packing. Ha.
Dave. (Pioneer 12 inch April 2018)
Thanks, Nick!
I got my speaker back yesterday.
You do beautiful work!
Feel free to use me or this email as a reference.
Rob. 14 inch Zenith April 2018)
Nick, thanks for the fast turnaround on this speaker. It looks great and sound even better. A+++ Service. Nick, no problem on using my info for the customer testimonial page. I’ll be glad to give you a great reference. Thanks again,Curtis (12 inch RCA field coil speaker Mar.2018)
OK Nick, got it back and installed. Sounds AMAZING! Now all the little things (that nickel and dime you) thanks so much, will keep you in the loop! Here's pix of the Seeburg, Josh. (15 inch Magnavox speaker Jan.2018)
Mr. Dorazio, You are awesome! This is my second speaker that I had repaired. It’s amazing. Thank you. Hope you had a great holiday.
Take care, Dave (Boston Acoustics 10 inch woofer Dec. 2017)
I received the speaker today,it looks like new.I have installed it and checked it. It appears to work okay but I won't know until I play through it this weekend. If it works as good as it looks, it will be fine.
I installed the speaker and played through the amp last weekend; it sounded great. I have other amps and when I have problems, I’ll be getting in touch with you. I will also be recommending your work to other musicians.Thanks for doing a great job!Sincerely, Karl(12 inch Jensen from twin reverb,Dec.2017)
Seeburg Wall Speakers
Nick, got the speakers today. mounted them in the speaker boxes, sounds great. thank is what they went in, just finished restoring them and new speaker cloth. You should have saw the speaker boxes before i restored them. I'm glad i pick you to do my speakers. i was a little hesitant to send them instead of taken them locally, but i'm glad I did. top quality sound, Frank (Seeburg 8 inch wall speakers Nov.2017)
Hi Nick, received the Mopar speaker and tested it out sounds good, the radio states it needs to be sure positive is positive, How can I be sure?
Tried the 9V battery trick and you were correct. The smooth contact is the positive.
I wish all businesses had the same customer care you do. Thanks.
Here is a picture of my car.
Take Care, Terry (4x10 Mopar speaker Nov.2017)
Received speaker. Beautiful, perfect Nick. Will be going back in 1935 coupe that was restored some years ago. Has a restored Ford Philco radio in it installed by former owner, apparently functional but no antenna for some reason. Have to see if I can take care of that little issue. Thanks for your fine work. Appreciate it, Ernie(Delco 5.25 Nov.2017)
Hi Nick:
The field coil arrived yesterday. Very nice work!! Thank you.
I still have some work I need to do on the radio before I power it up, but it looks like I can scratch the speaker off of my “to do” list.
I’ll look forward to doing business with you in the future as the need arises.
Regards, Mike. (650 ohm field coil October 2017)
Nick UPS finally delivered the speaker at 6:15. Got it connected to the radio. It looks great and sounds fine. Thanks for the excellent work Kelton (Philco 11 inch field coil speaker September 2017)
Zenith 12 inch Field Coil Speaker
Hi Nick. I got the speaker into the circuit today and it sounds great! Thanks so much for sticking with this project. I’m glad that UPS finally found the speaker and delivered it into your good hands.
Thanks again.
--Norman (Zenith 12 inch Field Coil Speaker August 2017)
Man, you otta here this old Epiphone with this speaker.
Thanks much Nick……now I want to find out what this may be worth.
This old amp was a rats nest when it was given to me…I have it working
and sounding so damned goood. This old Epi is a Class A amp with 2 6V6’s,
1-6SJ7-low level amp, a #37 driver and a # 80 rectifier….here a couple of pics..
Thanks again Nick!
Take Care
Ron (EPI Rola 12 inch July 2017)
Hi Nick, It was nice to talk with you on the phone yesterday. Today I mailed my 4 inch speaker for my 1961 Zenith Transoceanic 1000 (1961) for repair/recone. The speaker arrived yesterday. It looks and works great. Thanks Again! -Diane(Zenith 4 inch speaker June 2017)
Thanks again for all the work you did on the speaker. It was much appreciated!
I tested the speaker values before and after my attachment of the amplifier cord and everything checks out. My friend in Canada is looking forward to it with anxious anticipation.
The speaker is going into a 1935 Mills Dancemaster jukebox. It was able to play a whopping 12 records, just one side but you got to pick which record to play. Because these jukeboxes were so ugly, the restaurant owners would put them near the bar behind a plant. They were just bar room music machines primarily.
It originally used an Operadio/Dukane 12" speaker. I suspect these were 2500 ohms like the one I sent you. My friend had to use a Wurlitzer amp in his Dancemaster because the original was missing, hence the difficulty of getting 3200 ohms on a 12 inch speaker. They apparently just did not do that in the day so it had to be made - thanks to you!
That poor Magnavox with its amped up field coil will probably put a hole right through the speaker grill if he turns up the bass! We will have to rename it the "Mills Deathmaster". Speakers as a sonic weapon.... who knew?? Ahhhh, now I get it! You have been secretly building weapons of mass destruction right there in Georgia disguised as speakers! :)
Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!
Happy Father's Day if you are a dad and if not, be thankful because they are a LOT of work!!
All the best,
Stuart (custom Magnavox 12 inch June 2017)
Hi Nick,
Just received the reconed F-4 speaker....absolutely beautiful and plays super! I could not be more impressed...pretty good for an old fella!! Thank you so are truly a craftsman! Regards, Phil p.s. Your packing equally impressive! (Atwater Kent F-4 May 2017)
Nick : just wanted to express my sincere appreciation for your terrific service and reasonable price restoring my Allison CD - 7 woofers.
After purchasing the Allison set in the 80s and enjoying them for years, work and family demands took over. After moving from Texas to NC, the speakers sat for over 10 years, unused. Finally having time to unbox them, I was shocked to see such deterioration.I really thought I was going to have to throw these away and spend a lot of money on new home speakers. You saved me - and refurbished the pair within a week! And you were patient to answer all of my questions.
Again, thank you for the terrific job. Of course these are not the best speakers on the market, but were highly respected in the 80s and I can now enjoy them for many more years!
Sincerely, Steve
Charlotte NC. (Allisons 8 inch Jan. 2017)
Allison CD7 woofer
Hi Nick, just wanted to thank you for the wonderful job you did replacing the caps on my Focals.
They look great, and sound as good as ever.
I really appreciate your workmanship and care.
All the best,
Mark. Prescott,AZ.(Jan. 2017 Focal woofers)
Just wanted to let you know that the speaker is back where it belongs and it sounds terrific. I'm blown away at how quickly this all went down, less than 30 days from my initial email and my old amp is rocking again.
Thank you
Happy holidays
Stan (1959 Jensen 8 inch Dec.2016)
Nick, receive the speaker and reinstalled. Works great !
I can’t thank you enough.
Have a great weekend.
Tom (Sony SSU4000 woofer Nov.2016)
Nick....Nice work sir!
I got my speaker back this evening and I just wanted to say thank you for doing such an awesome job on restoring the speaker.
Have a great week.
Best regards,Chuck (6.5inch Rola Nov.2016)
Hello Nick,
Please accept my apology for the delay in providing you a response on the cone repair of my Hallicrafters PM-23. You did a fabulous job and it sounds absolutely beautiful!
Thanks again,Stevo. (10 inch Hallicrafters, Oct.2016)
The speaker arrived this afternoon in good shape and it looks “GREAT!” Thanks for everything. Great work at a good price. Hard to find that these days. I’ll look back at the internet site where I found you and write you up with one hell of a good review.
Thanks again
Dan (Seeburg 15 inch may 2016)
Nick, here's a short sound clip of that 1930's 8" you did for me a couple weeks ago, still dialing in the caps resistors trying to lessen the hum at idle.
Oahu 1930s Amp 1
Later man and Thanks,
Mark D. (April 2016)
Philco Cathedral
Philco Model 20
Nick, You probably don't recognize my name, but a few months back I sent you a Philco speaker model K-2 that I had you recone and replace the shims on the end of the field coil. I just wanted to let you know that I have the radio complete and listen to it daily. You did a really great job on the recone and the shims. When I first received the speaker back, I was wondering why the cone had a cloth surround, but since I have it installed in the cabinet and attached to the chassis, I completely understand. The volume and tone quality is great. In fact I can turn the volume full on and the speaker does not vibrate,. naturally no one uses a radio at full volume, I was just interested to see if the speaker would distort or bottom out and it doesn't. I guarantee that if I was younger and still restoring radios for people and needed to have a new cone put in any speaker, I would always send them to you. Your work is superb. Many thanks for your great work and attention to detail. You did the job in record time too. The last speaker that needed a new cone, I took it to a local shop. The speaker was a 10" PM and it took them a little over a month to complete and their price was out of line. They didn't use any type of surround material and yes, the original didn't have any, but all the speakers of that time I had seen reconed did use a surround. Their recone would bottom out and volume distort. Thank you Nick, for a really great job well done. Sincerely, Michael F. (February 2016) Philco Model K2
Hi Nick,
Both packages arrived safe and sound. Both speakers look great, looking forward to putting them into action. Very nice job.
Until next project,
Thank you, Bob (GE 6.5 and Zenith 12 Feb.2016)
Received the (2) NHT woofers. Look and sound great! Thanks Michael (October 2015)
Nick the speakers are fantastic, you did a great job. At this time i am running them on a kr 4600 and they run pretty well, Still looking for more vintage power to wake them the rest of the way up. But for now they sound fantastic. I have a pair of JBL L50 I may have restored.Look forward to doing business with you in the future.And thank you again Phillip (AR3a Sept 2015)
I am sorry, I did not send you a message..
I got the subwoofer back on Monday this week.. did not open the box until wednesday when I had enough time at night to put the sub back together again.. The sub looked both impressive and almost like new again..
I am happy to respond that the Sub lives again..
It's Alive!… It's Alive!!…
So, Thank you!… Thank you!… Thank you!!!...
Luis (Electro Voice 30W August 2015)
Hi Nick,
Thanks for holding the speaker, arrived on Tuesday. Installed and works great. Included pics of the finished '52 Gibsonette. Thanks Again,
Marty (August 2015)
American Bosch Speaker
Nick: I just received the speaker today.It looks great. Thanks. Now I just need to get the chassis fixed.
Thanks again,John. (American Bosch 11 inch custom cone Field coil Speaker, Rewind Field Coil,, Recone Rewire and Test.(July 2015)
All's good. Gave it a dozen good whacks,(speaker arrived home with a bent speaker basket) buzz is gone. I and my Silvertone is back in action, thank you! Ted. (June 2015)
Silvertone radio
Good Morning Nick, just wanted to let you know I received the speaker Friday and it definitely exceeds my expectations in maintaining its originality. Thank you very much for the fine craftsmanship. I will be one of your repeat customers in the future, Mike. (Stromberg Carlson 8 inch, May 2015).
Hi Nick,
The speaker arrived last Wed. Finally got it back in the enclosure on Sun. Sounds great! Thanks for answering all the questions I had and getting the speaker done so quick.
Sid (Panasonic 6.5 April 2015)
Hi Nick,
I received the rebuilt Sparton 557 speaker today. You did a great job! It looks and works well.
Thanks, Ray
Atwater Kent F4 speaker assembly
Greetings Nick - I finished putting my Atwater Kent F-4 speaker back together early this morning and thought you might like to see it. The green on the front metal grid is not the original color, but that's what I wanted. Now if I can just get the radio restored! It will take a long while because there is a lot of work to do. Thanks you so much for your excellent work on the speaker! Best, Dave H.
Just an FYI...your service is excellent....the speaker worked flawlessly. Attached is a couple photos of completed radio restoration. David B.
1930s Grunow Floor Radio
Antique Silvertone Speaker The speaker arrived today and worked perfectly! Thanks, Nick! Darrell C.
Scott Philharmonic Speaker Thanks again for the good work, I referred you to a couple of other collectors that asked me who did the work when they saw the pics...thanks again, Bill A.
Received the Atlantis speaker you repaired, it looks great and even sounds better. Thanks for the great job. Roger
Nick, Just to let you know that the speaker arrived safe and sound here on Tuesday. Today I installed it into the radio thinking what if I turn it on and it would play the old hits from the late forties and fifties Guess what, I tuned it to a local station, it was in the middle of a commercial, the next song it played was "Little Darling" by the Diamonds from the fifties, the next song was "American Pie" by Don Mc Lean. How is that, for the first time in nearly fifty years, that radio sat idle on the shelf. It picked up where it left off. Thanks, Royal
The speakers look absolutely fantastic Nick! I'm super pleased and will recommend you to anyone else. Scott
Hi Nick
Just wanted to follow up with you on the speaker work you did for me. The Type E that I sent you came back better than I could have ever hoped. The speaker had been in tatters for 30 years when my nephew (3 years old at the time) put his hand through the cone. My Dad became physically ill that day, as this Atwater Kent had been his pride and joy. My mother and I started conspiring this year to get it fixed for him for a Christmas present. I found your website and saw the pictures of the speakers you have worked on in the past. Seeing these, knew I could trust this resurrection project to you. The prompt turn-around was great and when he opened it on Christmas day, He was truly astonished and pleased. It sits in a place of prominence in their house, an example of old-world craftsmanship and beauty once again.
Thanks Again!
Midland, Tx
Hi Nick, I received the speakers back today and have them up and
running. They sound great, better than ever. I am very pleased with the
quality of work and turn around time. Also, I appreciate the packing
for the return trip that you provided. Please use me as a reference for
others any time, cause I can recommend you very highly. Please know that
if I need this type of work done again in the future, I am calling you!
THANKS. Best regards Kurt
Atwater Kent Woodtone cone
Good afternoon, Nick.
I just wanted to let you know the speaker arrived in great condition and I got it all back together without any problems. I couldn’t be happier with the results. The woodtone cone is a big improvement over the plain black one. Thank you for suggesting that and thank you for the care and attention to detail you put into your work. I will certainly recommend you.
Best regards,
Hi Nick ,
My "thank-you" is way over due , the 2- Zenith 12A58 speakers, that you repaired are JUST PREFECT , both sounds and appearence ! After installing an MP3 / stereo jack on a remote cord, not to drill holes in the chassis , I listened to truely great music today ,coming from my CD player, through your "handy work" ! I though you would like to see the email I sent Paul , currently making plans to pick up his radio !
Hi Paul
Thanks for the "heads-up" , I listened to your "lady sing", all day today, with the tuner input on AM ( yes the SW works, as well ), and a CD input into the stereo jack, " THAT LADY JUST ROARS " ! I have to send a big "thanks-you" in Nick's direction ( from the Speaker Shop ) , he truely does, GREAT WORK ! Lee, Joliet,IL.
You will be the only vender, for my speaker repair needs in the future Lee , Joliet IL.
Hi Nick: Just a quick note to let you know the speaker arrived at it not only looks great but works just as good as it looks. Thanks again. Armand
Hey Jason, wanted to touch base with ya. All hooked up & set up. . . . watched a little bit of a movie but WOW way better than my Onkyo. All of us are going to watch a flick tonite. later dude & thanks to all of you there for the help so we can own the finer things in life later rick
Just want to let you know how pleased I am with your recent repair of my woofer.
Sounds GREAT. And I'm sure I'll be calling on you again.
Hey Jason,
Just wanted to let you know that the 'Cube is great! Thanks for the wonderful customer service provided by you and your family. . . . I've been telling everyone that asks me where to buy speakers to come to your store, I know I'll never deal anywhere else again! Once again thanks for the wonderful service that you and your family provided, you have a customer for life now!
Thanks for all your help and your quick responses to my emails! I was impressed with your company when we first bought the system a number of years ago, and I continue to be impressed!
“All of the people here are informative and as pleasant as can be. The price on the speakers I purchased from them was outstanding, I really held my breath until I received them, that’s how good the price was. I have been buying and selling stereo equipment for 30 years and I have never been more impressed, from the people to the price and quality. I would recommend this company to all, they impressed me not just price but delivered to my front door in 3 days. I will be looking for any products I buy from this company first. Thank you very much for the price, quality and the free stands. Best company I have dealt with since I started buying online … ”.
-William, Nathalie, VA
Hi Jason,
Everything works wonderfully together. I can't believe how easy it is to set up the remote. Thanks for everything; and, be assured that I'll be back for any future needs.
Rick V.
Just wanted to drop by and say thank you again. I really, really appreciate your efforts to get that Celestion back in fighting form. It’s not easy work so I want to express my appreciation for what you do. Everything sounds great, I’m terribly happy.
Thank you!
BW (Celestion G12H save OEM cone and new Voice coil installed March 2025)
Nick, tthe speaker arrived at 15:00 this afternoon in excellent condition. All restored and sounds terrific.
I'm very pleased and think my friend and daughter will be as well. You made it possible this final step, Jack. (Western Electric 10 inch Recone March 2025)
Hi Nick-
Glad to hear the speaker made it ok. It's a heavy beast!
I attached a few pictures of my Dad's radio, it is a 1938 Zenith model 15-U-273 "King Louis XV". It was the top end set in 1938 for Zenith (except for the 1000Z Stratosphere) Not many made. We had it professionally refinished about a year ago by the best guy in the country. I just finished up the chassis restoration last week and did an alignment on it. It plays great now. These 15 tube Zeniths have so much power that if anything at all is loose on the speaker, it rattles it apart. Same for the chassis, if anything is loose at all it will shake itself apart it has so much bass. I have restored 5 of them now, 3 for me and 2 for my Dad.
I also have the same radio, but mine has an original finish on it. They are beautiful sets.
Have a nice weekend! We just got our first inch of snow in Cleveland last night, Lenny. (12 inch Zenith 49-185AB Recone Dec.2024)
Hi, Nick:
Finally got that Philco 90 you reconed for me finished. Definitely the
best sounding Philco 90 I've ever heard. Appreciate the great work on
that one.( Philco 8 inch Model 90 speaker Recone Oct.2024)
Good Morning Nick,
I got the package with all the speakers on Tuesday. I installed them and have been listening to them for a couple of days now. They look and sound AMAZING!!!!!!
You have a gift from the man upstairs being able to do such a good Job. A thank you very much for your close attention and detailed work you did. I will be referring anyone that needs to redo vintage speakers to you if that's OK.
I can't thank you enough!!
I do have a problem now!! My Son is a drummer and has been listening to them along side of me for the last couple of days. He thinks they are very very good and the separation between instruments is exceptional. So I'm going to have to share my listening with him and my wife. And of course that's OK. However he does have a somewhat different taste in music.
Thank you very very much Nick,
Please see attached pics.
Props to you,
Marian (2) Altec 803A and (1) Altec 806 May 2024)
I wrapped up the speaker install tonight. It sounds fantastic with the repaired speakers. I really appreciate your communication through the repair process, and your turnaround time impressed me.
You'll be hearing from me again when I start on my Rockola Grand Prix II.
Best regards,
David (NSM (2) 12 inch, (2) 6.5 inch, (2)4.5 inch March 2024)
Turned out great Nick. I fabricated two new aluminum "pants" for it for mounting. I was only off 1/64 inch in drilling the bolt holes - too tight, so easily corrected. I attached a picture. I like how you used the original parts. Nicely done,Jim W7JWT.( Jan.2024 German Peoples Radio VE301GW)
Hello Nick,
My speaker arrived today in great shape. Superb workmanship!
Many thanks my friend, Michael
(Modify Jensen P12N to Jensen P12R smooth cone, Dec.2023)
Nick, I promised you pictures of my unit over a year ago, here it is in original found condition 2021. I am still restoring although here are pictures as I received it as it sat in storage since 1952, last played in 1947 by the original owner before his death. My unit is a genuine original. We are replicating an original 1937 with Brad that you are working on, hence the Mcmurdo speaker converted over you will be doing for Brad. My unit is a genuine 1942 unit and original. I purchased my unit from the original family two years ago.
You are welcome to post my pictures as well Nick. There are 16 of these beauties known to exist today. I have restored 3 of the 16. Very rare, called the Capehart 500, sold very few between 1937-1942. I have the only 1942 example known. Brad had 1 of three 1937 examples known.(October 2023, 18 inch Jensen , 13.5 inch Jensen, 12 inch Jensen)
Good morninmg from Reno, Attached are photos of the haunted VW bus fronm the Shining! Also if you remember you did the the overhead speaker in my Cessna 172, sincerely Don. (Sept.2023 6.5 inch Cessna, 6 inch VW bus)
Got ‘em. All seems well! Will be a minute to analyze the difference. But so far. So great. The highs have a lot more “air” so far. Less forward which is what I was after. Wow! Will listen more. UPDATE: Nick:
I can’t thank you enough. I was going crazy trying to figure out these speakers. Without this low pass filter you built I would have thrown in the towel on these. Sold them off. I’m having a lot of fun now. Really really easy to listen to this set up. So so smooooth!! No more “whizzer cone shout” going on.Thanks again
Bryan! (Audio Nirvana 8 inch Low Pass Filters custom June 20203)
Thank you so much. They are sweet.
They are still super sweet, but after a few hours of playing them today I noticed a really outstanding clarity that just came out of nowhere. I guess they are broken in now. It’s like the lows, and the highs just got firmer and clearer and punchier all at the same time. Really fantastic, Craig. (4 Jensen P10Rs 1959 Bassman Recone Mar.2023)
Hi Nick:
The coil just arrived UPS and I’m grateful. Such attention to detail and beautiful work. I’ll install it later this afternoon and let you know how it all turns out (so to speak). Such high quality, bravo. Again, my thanks,LC.
Good Morning, Nick, here’s a quick photo of the restored Magnavox PA amplifier and speakers from the late 1930s. All working well again, thanks to two now-working field coil speakers. It’s led a rough life, for sure, but sounds great.
Best wishes and have a great weekend.
LC (Magnavox 8 Field coil Mar. 2023)
Zenith 12U158
Hi Nick:
I received my 12” 149 speaker back on Monday, I have finished my recap, and installed the speaker in today.
It Sounds Obsoletely Wonderful, Great timing
I want to thank you for the excellent workmanship on this. I know it was built in 1936, (87 years old) but it sounds like new.
If I get another project like this, I will definitely let you be my Speaker Man.
Thanks again and have a Blessed Day.
Jim (Zenith 12 inch Recone Jan.2023)
Hi Nick:
The Utah field coil arrived safely today and I’ll be installing it tomorrow. It’s a pity I have to put it back in the speaker magnet housing, it’s beautifully done and looks fabulous, such lovely attention to details.
The reinstall was a bit tricky, so I took it nice and slow. The coil frame actually sits atop three screwhead-like mountings and I had to very gradually press the coil onto these heads. Just little by little making a deeper impression in the frame. Then carefully tightening the back cover and polepiece.
All back together and working just great, sounds just fabulous and looks just as it should. Here's a quick snap of the back, too.
It's not a particularly powerful amplifier, a pair of 47 pentodes at a low B+, but what a musical warm and full sound.
Thanks again and cheers!
LC. (Utah Field Coil rewind Sept.2022)
Hello Nick,
I finally found time to install the Speaker Field Coil Assembly back in the Gibson EH 150 amp. After replacing a few old vintage 1937 type tubes and capacitors, It is now WORKING! I actually said a prayer before powering up. I know that my Uncle James was listening in Heaven. I am so glad that I found your company and you were able to rewind the coil. You did such a professional job!
I am attaching some photos of the EH 150, 1937 Gibson amplifier at you request. I will be sending them in multiple emails because of the size and quality. Feel free to use them as you please.
Again, thank you so much,
Jerry (Gibson EH150 field coil August 2022)
Hi Nick, Nice job with that little 1946 speaker. It has a lot more sound to it than I really ever realized it would have. 40s jazz is just amazing through it.
Thank you
Matt (RCA 4x6 April 2022)
Hello Nick,
Just a quick note to let you know that the speaker works great. I was very impressed with the beautiful cone construction and the absolute wonderful sound that came out of it. Thanks again for the great work.
Randy ( 5 inch Emerson Feb.2022)
Hi Nick,
Thanks again for the great job on my Wurlitzer 1015 speaker with a new field coil and re coning! Best re coning job I’ve ever seen and you even used a similar cone center cover as the original. Other re cone jobs I’ve come across didn’t look half as nice, used a solid center cover, and didn’t reuse the speaker coil positioning assembly that mounts to the frame with the two screws! Included are few pictures of my project in process.
Regards,Rob (Wurlitzer 15 inch field coil,recone Feb.2022)
Good Afternoon Nick
I got the speaker this morning. I added a 256ohm resister in series at the
tube socket, brought up the power on radio gradually, and low and behold
it sounds GREAT!
I cannot thank you enough! My radio is back in business.
Again - thanks a million. I am not sure how much longer you will be doing this, and I don't have anything else that needs work, but if I do get something, you will be the first I call.
Best Regards
Mark (6 inch field coil Jan.2022)
Hi. The speakers arrived on Friday due to a FedEx "snow" delay in Anchorage, Alaska. I say (pardon my language....BS) They were supposed to arrive on Thursday.
Anyway, I scurried home after work in -37 degree temperatures and installed the speakers and put my Wurlitzer 1800 back together.
Well! Needless to say:
1) I love the quality of your work. The speakers look absolutely great
2) They also sound spectacular! My gosh, there is so much bass being developed! I do not drive my amp hard, but for giggles, I bumped up the volume and put the bass at 4 (highest setting) and played a song with lots of low end. Night and day difference between the speakers prior to your work and now. Thank you very much!!!!
Steve. (Dec. 2021 (2) 12 inch Magnavox Wurlitzer 1800 speakers)
Good Morning Nick,
Got the woofers back in the Infinity RS6s
Looks and sounds great.
Many thanks for a super job!
Jim (Infinity RS 8 inch woofers Nov. 2021)
The speaker sounds great!
Holy smokes!
Steve (6 inch Permalux 1955 Fender Champ Oct.2021)
Nick, received Friday after scheduled Thursday delivery was pushed back. Excellent job. I really appreciate it.
Amazingly ups made the same as you charged. But I’m good with it.
If there is a forum or website to sing praises for you I will do so. Appreciate the professionalism and personable customer service. Thanks again James (2)JBL L25 woofers June 2021)
Nick, the speaker sounds great, thanks again for the outstanding work.
Tom (Zenith 49-180x 6.5 April 2021)
Hey Nick,
I've been working six days a week lately. I'm a Compliance Inspector Supervisor in Humboldt County, CA. Yes, Bigfoot country, lol. Today is my day off so I got my butt out in my studio and I installed some speakers (the Celestions you restored). First, they looked great! All cleaned up and repaired. I tested each one of them before I installed them. I didn't want any surprises. They went into a 1972 Marshall 1960A Bass Lead cab. Not the original speakers but I couldn't find any that I could afford.
Dude, I plugged into the cab with my de Lisle 15P Studio head and eased into the volume incrementally until I was at full volume with the head and a Japanese Greco Tele and I was just smiling from ear to ear. Lordy, these speakers sound so good in this cabinet. I'm super happy with your work and your professionalism. The price was very reasonable. It cost more to ship them than the cost of the restoration and repairs.
I'm going to be bragging about your work on all the guitar and amp forums I frequent as well as the podcast I listen to, The Truth About Vintage Amps. If I ever have speakers that need restoration or repair, I'm sending them to you.
Thanks!Will (4 Celestion G12S 20 watt speakers May 2021)
Nick, Just finished restoring the VOX amp for my friend. Wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the speakers and how wonderful they sound. Never would have believed the punch and the bass response. He is going to be thrilled. Thank you. Steve. (2) VOX AC 10, 10 inch speakers Jan.2021)
I received the speaker and it sounds great, will send the other one Monday. Thanks again
Tom (6 inch Zenith Mar.2021)
Looks and sounds great!,Beau.(6.5 inch Crosley speaker June 2020)
The Magnavox speaker has arrived and I must say you've done a fantastic job with it. I couldn't be happier. I will be looking forward to contacting you again for my next speaker job.
Thanks again,
Greg (8 inch Magnavox May 2020)
Wanted to let you know that I have received the completed speaker. Great work! Looks awesome!
Thank you! Nick.(Zenith 6.5 inch speaker May 2020)
Hey Nick,
Thanks again! It looks beautiful!! The best looking 755A I’ve seen.
Chris (Western Electric 755A Feb.2020)
Hi Nick, this is my brass MP 1 playing and tuning. Perhaps the ONLY surviving MP 1 without broken pot metal tuner and in operating condition brass or chromed.
Perhaps 10 or less total MP 1 are known to exist.
You earned part of this video success with your restoration of the special speaker.
Jon Ketron did the radio restoration for me.
(McMurdo Silver Masterpiece MP1 13.5 inch Jensen field coil speaker Jan. 2020)
Received the speaker last Friday. Looks and sounds great! You do nice work, and I look forward to sending you more.
Sam (Philco 6 inch Dec.2019)
Hi Nick-
Finally had a chance to get back to you….speaker came out excellent as always. Glad you could save it!
Attached are two pics of the radio that the speaker will be going into.
Talk soon! Lenny. (Zenith 12 inch Nov. 2019)
Nick, Here’s how the speaker you repaired for me for my 1930 Bosch radio sounds: As usual, another awesome repair! Dana.( American Bosch 10 inch speaker Sept. 2019)
Nick, I received the parts Thursday and got the speaker back together yesterday. All is well, plays fine. Thanks for your help, I'll recommend you to anyone I know who needs speaker repair,Kevin (Marantz HD88 crossovers March 2019)
I just wanted you to see how my radio turned out. It's playing oldies in my home office, thanks to your great job repairing the speaker.
Thanks again,Barry (GE 5 inch March 2019)
Hi Nick,
That fixed it! The speakers sounds fabulous! Amp is much happier now—you can almost see it smiling here! :)
Happy to recommend your work to anyone.
Best,Dave (10 inch Jensen Princeton 1959, March 2019)
6 inch Wurlitzer JukeBox speaker
Hi Nick,
The speaker got here yesterday. I installed it this morning and my juke box now sounds much better. No more rattle and crunch from the one I had in there.
I know these are getting hard to find. I now have an extra. It will need a rebuild also someday as well.
Thanks again,Jon ( 6 inch Wurlitzer Feb. 2019)
Hello Nick...The speaker arrived today (Wednesday) and I am VERY happy with the result. You did a very nice job! Once the speaker is installed into the radio chassis I will forward a photo. Thanks for your help in this restoration.
Best...Richard (5 inch RCA Speaker Oct.2018)
JBL 7 inch car speaker
I received the speaker. It works great. Thank you.
Please let me know if I owe you anything for the packaging.
Steve (Toyota Sequoia 7 inch JBL June 2018)
Hi Nick,
I would like to thank you for an excellent job repairing my speakers for my studio monitors.
I can tell that you take pride in your work and craftsmanship.
Is there a break-in period with the repaired speakers?
Thank you again,
Chris (2)8 inch Paradigm Reference woofers June 2018)
Rockola Jukebox
Nick, I just received my Rockola 1448 jukebox speaker back from you. I am very happy with the sound of the speaker!! The jukebox now has a ?warmer? sound compared to the sound it had before with little base and rattles. I can feel the bass now.
After spending around 100 hours rebuilding my jukebox, the speaker is the crowning touch to make it, truly, like new.
Excellent job!!
Thank you very much,
Doug (Rockola Jukebox 15 inch Jensen speaker, May 2018)
just got in and found my package. They look great!! I got them hooked up and bolted in and boy they sound sooooooo much better! Thanks again. I really appreciate the quick turn around. It worked out for I have to have surgery on my hand on Monday and I was wondering how I was going to get them back in the cabinets. Now I don't have to worry and I can listen to my music while I am healing. Hope you and the Misses have a great Anniversary!!! Hope you have a blessed day! Linda ((2)JBL LE125H April 2018)
Hi Nick, received my speakers, they sound great. James (6.5 inch Mercedes Benz speakers April 2018)
Hi Nick
Attached are pictures of Hallicrafters Model 51C1. Your speakers sound great.
Thanks, Tom ( Mar.2018(2)3.5 inch speakers)
Tom's Antique Radio Repair
Here are some pictures of my Webster Chicago Model 80-1 wire recorder. This was a project that I kept on the back-burner for nearly 20 years due to the fact that the speaker was bad. I just completed a full mechanical and electrical restoration of it. Thanks to the great job you did rebuilding the speaker, I'm certain it sounds like it did when it left the factory!
I'll be sure to keep you in mind for my future restoration projects!
Best regards,Matt, Webster-Chicago wire recorder (6.5 inch speaker Feb.2018)
Webster Chicago Model 80-1
Hi Nick, Enclosed is a picture of the Jet Wing with your repair speaker inside. It works FINE! Otis (2 inch PM speaker Dec. 2017)
Jet Wing Radio
Polytone Speaker
Hi Nick,
Speaker sounds great, actually better than it was when it worked.
Thanks! Tom (Polytone 12 inch speaker, Magnet alignment and Recone Dec.2017)
Just wanted to let you know that I received my re-foamed woofer today.
I have already installed it and it sounds great!
My KLH 101’s were the FIRST pieces of decent audio gear that I ever bought, and I have had them since 1975. I’m very happy that I found your shop online and that you could refoam it…….. I didn’t like the idea of replacing the woofers with something other than the original.
Thanks for the quick turnaround. I will let all my friends know that they should not get rid of their vintage speakers without calling you first!
Have a great Christmas.
PD(KLH 8 inch Nov.2017)
Aloha Nick, The speaker is spectacular! Thx so much ... it sounds amazing !!! Till we meet again .....Bob B(Fender Jensen P12R Nov.2017)
Hi Nick,
Just a quick note to let you know that I received the speaker in good condition. Also would like to thank you for a job well done. Todd, (Philco Model 87 speaker October 2017)
Thank you Nick! speaker is spot on PERFECT!!
I have to tell you from one Engineer to another, I could not have done it with out you my friend, thank you so much. The man " Mark" came to pick it up and it no joke brought a tear to his eye he was so happy. So again many thanks, I will be working with you should I ever have a issue with speakers again, Kurt.(Jensen/CTS 10 inch October 2017)
Jensen/CTS 10 inch
Hi Nick, You are not going to believe this but I just got around to putting in the speaker you did for
me three years ago!!! It works beautiful...Thank you is the new location working
out? Were you able to keep all your customers...and get new ones? Hope that life is good
Doug (Delco 4x10 2014)
CTS 8 inch speakers
Hey Nick!
I got the speakers Friday evening, just got a chance to install them tonight. Sound is great! I guess we'll never really know what was going on before but they're great now! I am so grateful and enjoying my 50 year old GE record player.
Thank you!
Grant (CTS 8 inch speakers for GE record player August 2017)
Good afternoon Nick,
Just installed the speaker and it sounds great. Thanks for the quick turnaround and quality work!
Matt(Chrysler 6.5 subwoofer 2001 Dodge Viper August 2017)
Nick, field coil was delivered on Monday. Already installed in the speaker and sounds really good. Thanks again for your excellent work, I like the Fada logo on coil! Harry.(Rewind Fada 5000ohm Field Coil August 2017)
Fada 5000 ohm Field Coil
Delco 4x6 speakers
Nick they sound perfect I can't thank you enough, I will pass your name on, Gary (Delco 4x6 Speakers June 2017)
Hey Nick,
The speaker arrived!
Impressive restoration - and you even saved the "surround", I have to say I am amazed.
Next step is to mount the output transformer & terminal strips, wire up the magnet and primary & fabricate a new speaker cable (I am using original color teflon-cotton-covered wire. It will look like an 80 year old speaker and work like new.
thanks for the nice work, I will remember you on my next project.
--dave (Simplex 12 inch field coil speaker June 2017)
Click on the link below to hear my repaired speaker playing a partial MP3 song on my 1931 radio. Great restoration job!
Thanks,Dana(General Motors Radio Corp 10 inch speaker May 2017)
Nick, I received the speaker back today. Great job, as usual. Your work is consistently great, not just good. Thanks for your great work. I am planning on moving back to Iowa, to be closer to relatives, now that I am at the age I am and hope to be able to locate and restore more radios then. So you will be the only person I trust for speaker repairs. At the local collectors club, at one of the meets, one of the guys showed how he repairs old speakers. He actually cuts the rotted material completely away from around the outside. then he lifts the cardboard ring that holds the come in place. next he cuts some strips of brown grocery bag paper and glues them to the cone. Then he works his way around gluing the other end to the speaker frame and finally gluing the cardboard ring back in place. He doesn't even have a complete cone. He said all that matters is that nothing rubs and the cone can move up and down freely! He claims to have repaired many speakers that way, however said it is best used on 8" and up sizes. What a joke for a professional repair, especially when you are getting paid to do a decent job. Both of these guys claim to be professionals and make money restoring and repairing radios. If they worked in my shop they would be fired the very first time they tried those tricks. I am sure you have seen your share of ruined speakers, ruined by so called repair persons. Neither of the guys I have used for speaker repair, in the past, can hold a candle to the quality of your work. Thanks again Nick. Michael (Philco Model 20 May 2017)
Hi Nick. The speakers arrived yesterday. Installed them today and they sound fantastic.
You have restored my faith in superior service and craftsmanship. Thank You. Bill (VMPS 12 inch woofers April 2017)
Jensen P8R speakers
Hello Nick, The speakers made the trip back but the box was really beat up. However the speakers were fine. I am very impressed with the work performed, they are as new and it is hard to tell that they have new cones. Really nice job and they sound great. The Jensen's were part of a shipboard install for the Navy. They are at the top of the rack on the attached picture. Other gear in the rack is a Collins 51J-4. a Collins 51S-1 with speaker and a Heathkit HW-101 that I built in the early 1970's. The 51J-4 was a military signal corp receiver and the 51S-1 was a coast guard/customs/DEA radio. All have been restored to new. The 51J-4 is 1950's and the 51S-1 is 1970's. The other picture has my main vintage operating station with a Collins 32V-2 transmitter, Collins 75A-3 receiver and military ME-165 Dummy load/SWR/Watt meter on the wall above. This gear is from the late 1940's or very early 1950's and provide worldwide communication via morse code and US communication via AM phone. I just recently got it all restored and back together as a station - it was off the air for over 30 years! All of this gear was made in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Thanks for a quality job. You never know what you get on the internet. Take care, Glenn (Jensen P8R's and Collins 10 inch April 2017)
Nick: The speaker arrived in great shape and yes, it is functioning great. Now if I can make an antennae that will pick up local stations - we live in a pretty rural area. Thanks for your great work - it's great to hear that good bass sound. Bob. (Atwater Kent , April 2017)
Thanks again - sure, you can use my "testimonial". The speaker certainly has the look and (I'm sure) the sound of the original. What a professional job to restore the speaker. Have a great weekend - Bob.
Thanks Nick for the great job you did on my Cessna speaker!! Joe. (March 2017, Cessna 6x9)
Hi Nick,
Recieved the 128h today. Attached is a photo of the fully repaired speaker. Sounds great. You did a wonderful job.
Thanks again for your help.
Warm regards,
Steve (JBL 128H March 2017)
Good afternoon Nick, thank you for restoration services of the Zenith speaker. I have my radio working once again and I am very happy to have the centerpiece of my collection functioning.
Thank you again,
Thomas (Zenith 5 inch Jan.2017)
Nick, now that I've been enjoying the resurrected stereo for a few weeks I just wanted to thank you and let you know they sound great.You really put the "hi-fi" back into that stereo.
Enjoy the holidays and thanks again. Joe
(1964 Magnavox console(2) 12 inch CTS and(4)6.5 inch CTS mid-high speakers Dec. 2016)
The speaker arrived today. Thank you for the excellent work and the fast turn-around. The before and after pictures on this speaker are just amazing! You did a great job.
Thanks again and best wishes for the Holidays!
Sincerely,Chris (Wurlitzer Model 1250 15 inch Dec.2016)
Wurlitzer 15 inch Field Coil Speaker
The tweeters arrived today and I have installed them in my Wurlitzer 3000. They sound great!
Thank you very much for the repair, Steve (Wurlitzer 3000 Tweeters Dec 2016).
Hi Nick,
Got the speaker today and popped it in. Everything is fine. I think I told you how much I like this system. Sound is even fuller now. Thank you again for helping me out. Will recommend you to any of my friends if they need your services. Best, Kevin (Rola 4.5 Oct. 2016)
Hi Nick,
Received the speaker and installed it in the old radio and it works great and looks great. Thanks for the nice job.
Hope all is well after the hurricane.
Al(8 inch Silvertone field coil speaker Oct.2016)
The Rola sounds beautiful Nick, Thank You. Great job. I have a greenback out of a Leslie that needs help too. Maybe next month, Neal. Rola 12 inch (August ,2016)
Thanks for doing a great job on my speaker!
Couldn't be better.
D.C. July 2016 (EV SRO original)
Dynaudio 6.5 inch woofer
Good Morning Nick,
Reinstalled the Dynaudio woofer in the Passat on Sunday. Was not as easy as I hoped it would be, but the result is fantastic. Car sounds absolutely amazing now. Bass response is very clean and powerful. Actually have to turn the bass level down now. Thanks very much for everything.
6.5 inch Dynaudio woofer (April 2016)
Hi Nick:
I got home from Denver this afternoon and the first thing I did was install my woofers.
I forgot how good my stereo sounds. You did a great job.
Thank you.
Best regards,
(EV Sentry III March 2016)
Sentry III woofers
Hello Nick,
The speaker is installed an working great!
Thanks so much for your wonderful service.
Silvertone 5x7
(October 2015)
Atwater Kent E2 grill assembly
Atwater Kent E2 speaker
Nick, Got back my 2 mid-ranges and one woofer for my AR12's. They sound as good as ever ! Its good to know these speakers can now live on and its nice to know that if they need more maintenance in the future, I have a go to professional like you. Thanks !! Elliot C.
Hi Nick,here is a pic of the 1936 Rickenbacher (note the correct early spelling) "lunch pail amp" with the original 10" Rola speaker that you reconed back when you were in Ohio. Since the repair I have been playing this for years with It's matching Rickenbacher Electro Spanish guitar.
Thanks again, Marty.
Western Electric 560AW
1920's Herald Cone speaker
Hi Nick,
Well, you have out done yourself!
Right now I am listening to the Zenith 5-S-228 with the speaker. It sounds far better then most radios I have restored. It has a 6F6 audio output tube, not push pull, just a single 6F6 and I believe your speaker is reproducing every ounce of the tone quality it has - perfectly.
I have my iPhone plugged into the phono jack on the radio and it is playing Glenn Miller - Danny Boy. My goodness it sounds good.
I have decided to sell this one to fund some of my other Radio habits. :):) I will mention The Speaker Shop's work when I list the item.
I have attached some pictures.
I wish you could hear it. Wow!!
Thank You for everything!!
Incredible! Looks brand new and sounds GREAT. The "golden throat" sound of RCA Victor is reborn.
Thanks for the great work.
This email is for "John" in Sales, NHT :
Approximately 4 weeks ago, I called your business, trying to find a replacement driver for my NHT 1.1 center channel speaker. You did not have them for sale, but you suggested that repair of the speaker could be done at The Speaker Shop in Ohio. I corresponded with "Nick" at that business, and eventually sent my driver. It was repaired, and I replaced the speaker in my Audio/Visual system, and am very heppy with the repair and the continued use of my NHT speaker. Thank you for your reference It was a good one..
Sincerely yours,
Francis Scottsville, VA
Hello Nick at the Speakershop. I got the Jensen back and hooked it up - it sounds great! Thanks a ton. Happy Holidays- Philip L.
Drivers were received and they look factory perfect.
Nice Job and on time too.
You will be getting more orders.
thanks again
".....Here's a 1948 McKinney amp made by Valco in Chicago. This is the
same as a Supro Supreme of the same era with the single volume control
and 6J7 input tube. Other tubes are 6SC7, (2) 6V6GT, and 5Y3.
Speaker is the 10" field-coil Rola (pro-reconed by Nick at the Speaker Shop).
Demo is done with a parts Stratocaster with Don Mare pickups, then a Les Paul with P90 pickups.
Amp was set to about 80% volume.
The rear of the amp is shown at the end of the video..."
Hello Jason,I hope all is well with you. I thought you, and Nick, might want to know what came of the speaker you repaired for me back in May. Well, the radio is a 1934 RCA ACR-136 receiver. I have been working on the old radio for 6months in my spare time and it is now complete. Here is what I've done:
1. I redrew the complete dial by hand in Microsoft Paint as a .jpg image. I logged the time and it took me 19 hours to complete. It looks identical to the old one.
2. All tubes were tested and 3 weak ones replaced with vintage originals. All tube sockets were tediously cleaned and checked for good continuity.
3. All suspect resistors and capacitors were replaced.
4. All tube plate caps have been replaced with new ceramic types and rewiring done as necessary. I bought 4 different colors of 18 AWG cloth wire on eBay to do the rewiring.
5. All tube shields have been taken down with steel wool and repainted in chrome finish paint.
6. Original RCA internal chassis labels were taped off and protected as shown in photos.
7. Rear serial number plate and front panel control plates were brushed and polished.
8. The power cord was replaced with a NOS cloth-covered replacement from the 30's obtained on eBay.
9. All RF and IF cans were removed, polished and replaced. New rubber grommets were replaced for all wirefeed-throughs.
10. With chassis stripped of all main components, unit was sprayed down (top and bottom) with component cleaner/lubricant, allowed to drip for 2 days and then dry out for 3 weeks. All necessary chassis components were lubricated as needed.
11. With chassis complete a full electrical test and alignment was done.
12. Chassis was then hand painted with silver paint. All screw heads and miscellaneous components also painted black or silver as required.
13. Dial mechanism and Vernier were completely disassembled, cleaned, rebuilt with a replacement main gear and lubricated to return the main and secondary pointers back to smooth working operation. Pointers were re-painted black. Light bulb sockets were cleaned and polished. Dial housing was also painted silver. Dial scalewas printed on vellum and affixed with the original standoffs and some white glue to hold it in place.
14. Speaker was sent to you for a complete professional rebuild of the voice coil and cone back to original. It works beautifully.
15. Front panel standby switch was replaced with a vintage 30s unit.
16. New vintage-look knobs were added.
17. The cabinet and front panel were completely stripped and repainted with the correct black wrinkle finish.
18. The entire unit was re-assembled and tested ok on all bands and all functions.
Thank you again for the great work on the speaker. It is by far, the pride and joy of my entire radio collection.I've got well over 100 hours of work and $300 of parts/material into it. For a 74 year old radio; it looks pretty new.
Best regards, Lou
Just wanted to let you know I got the speaker yesterday and have installed it. It looks and sounds great! Thanks again!
- Will
Hi Jason, My speaker arrived today..I can not thank you and Nick,enough.The fabric used as part of the restoration, is perfect...In my opinion,it has the appearance of a material that is of the same era as the speaker,and radio,itself.Its' slight iridescence,gives the entire speaker a very refined, and visually balanced look. Nick did such a wonderful job, please thank him for me. As this radio and speaker is on display in my living room, how it appears, is important to me.
Once again, thank you for everything..
Best, Ken
To the folks at The Speaker Shop,
As always....Thank you! Your the greatest!
Best to you,
Scotty, Chad and the gang Scott's Radio & TV / For Your Listening Pleasure
Nick and Jason Dorazio;
I just wanted to take the time to express a sincere thank you for your patience, expert guidance, and quality installation on our new Home Theatre.
As you will recall this has been a dream of mine for many years. A step above was what I was looking for, and it is everything I had dreamed it would be. . . .
. . . As you well know I have traveled all over North America, have seen countless concerts and live performances , as well as the latest and greatest films. The only thing I can say is now I can enjoy them in the comfort of my home.
Again, Thank you for all of your help for the jaw-dropping setup that I now have.
Received the two JBL woofers. They were in good shape. I have installed and played them. They sound great.
Thanks much, William
Hi Nick.. The Stratosphere speaker arrived back home safe and sound.. and quite beautiful!.. I hope it was not too much of a problem.. I will take some pictures and put it up on my web site ( as an "After" photo, and provide a link to your web site. Thank you!..
Regards, George
Thanks for the follow up. Everything seems to be working fine and it sounds great. I appreciate you following up with me and I'll definitely keep you in mind for future purchases. Thanks again.
Nick, got the re-creator today. beautiful. any of my radio friends that don't know about your shop will if they ask me. thank you nick for bringing the rola back to life. long after i'm gone someone will still enjoy it. after all that's what preservation is all about is'nt it nick. THANK YOU NICK, YOURS, GREG HILT.
Hi Nick, Just wanted to say thanks... The speaker looks original and sounds perfect! Catch you on the next one... Dan